“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”
I was a teenager when I first heard those words. It was a sad moment. Ted Kennedy, the youngest of the three Kennedy brothers, was giving the eulogy at his brother’s funeral.
The evening before Robert was shot and killed in Los Angeles, I had shaken his hand as he toured Southeast San Diego in an open motorcade.
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Given the uncertain future of immigration programs, preparation and planning ahead are perhaps the two most essential elements for immigration success.
For many immigrants, the quest to live and work legally in the United States has been an incessant roller coaster ride.
One day, immigration reform is just around the corner. A day later, reform is just another word, void of practical meaning.
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Humane Borders is a non-profit organization which offers assistance to migrants in need through the deployment of emergency water stations on routes used by those coming north through the desert.
Located in Tucson, Arizona, Humane Borders was founded in June 2000 to create a safe and death free border environment. The strength of its efforts rely on its vast volunteer membership of more than 1,500 indivduals and private donations.
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